General information about cookies

VBL uses cookies to recognise visitors’ settings and preferences and further adapt the website design to the needs of our visitors. Cookies are small text files which are stored locally in the cache of the visitor's web browser. As the HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is by definition a stateless protocol and each instance of web server access is therefore independent of all others, cookies can be used to recognise the web browser.

For example, session cookies are used to identify website users during website use over a longer period of time with multiple visits to the website so that users are not required to enter their password each time they access a different sub-page of the website. Session cookies are also required, for example, to enable shopping basket functions on a website. They are only valid for the duration of the visit to the web application and are deleted when the browser is closed.

Information about the cookies used.

The following cookies are used on VBL’s website:

1. Necessary cookies

Cookie banner

This cookie is set if you agree to website analysis when you visit the website for the first time. The cookie is set to identify whether the user has given their consent for future visits to the website by the same user.

If the user deletes the cookies by adjusting their browser settings, the JSESSIONID and LFR_SESSION_STATE_ cookies will also be deleted. They will otherwise be stored for a maximum of one year.


Liferay cookies

When you visit the website, a session cookie is set at the beginning of each visit to make it easier to navigate the website and access certain content.
If the user deletes the cookies in their browser, the session cookies will also be deleted. Otherwise, they will only be stored until the end of the current session.

Liferay also saves your preferred display language as a cookie. If the user deletes the cookies in their browser, this cookie will also be deleted. They will otherwise be stored for a maximum of one year.

The actual duration of the cookie storage depends on when the cookies are deleted in the respective web browser of the user.


2. Web analysis

The service provider econda GmbH (Zimmerstraße 6, 76137 Karlsruhe, collects and stores pseudonymised user click data on our behalf. These data are used to analyse the click behaviour of visitors. The information obtained in this way helps us to design and optimise the website for users according to their needs.

With your consent, you agree to session-based (anonymous) and/or a cookie-based (complete) web analysis.

No cookies are set during the session-based web analysis. Reference is made to the user session (browser session storage) for statistical evaluations.

During the session it would be possible, with considerable effort, to make a connection between your IP address and your click behaviour with econda using the access time and IP address, which we store for seven days for security purposes. We have prevented this possibility by taking organisational measures. This is also no longer possible once the browser has been closed. From this point on, it becomes anonymous statistical data.

A cookie is set during cookie-based web analysis. This enables VBL to record and analyse the use of the website by visitors on the basis of the information it contains. Among other things, a relationship can be established between the user's region and the length of time he or she has stayed on the website.

As in the case of session-based web analysis, the connection between your IP address and your click behaviour could be established with considerable effort by working with econda and using the access time, the truncated IP address and the IP address stored by us for seven days for security purposes. We have prevented this possibility by taking organisational measures. After the storage period of the IP address of seven days has expired, this is no longer possible and the reference to you is erased.

VBL has no interest in identifying you in this way. The web analysis is only intended to gain statistical insights into click behaviour in order to be able to continuously optimise the website for users.

We therefore ask for your consent (Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR) to the collection of data during the browser session and/or your consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 a) GDPR and Section 25 TTDSG (German Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act)) to set the cookie for six months and collect and store your data.

Information about the storage of your IP address can be found under Privacy Policy -> Data protection on our website -> “Collection and use of personal data”.

Your data are processed by our contractor econda GmbH on the basis of a data processing agreement. The contractor does not use the data for its own purposes and does disclose them to third parties.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time with future effect. You can do this by disabling the slider. Additional information about how we handle personal data can be found at Privacy Policy Web Analysis: econda.

3. Overview of the necessary cookies / web analysis